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Deacons’ News
Our Mission this year is to support the “Bread of Life” ministry that helps feed our brothers and sisters in Newark each weekend when government programs are closed. The program is run in partnership with North Reformed Church, an RCA congregation in Newark. We will be delivering sandwiches and snacks bi-monthly throughout the year. Please give to this important ministry by utilizing the ‘mission envelope’ or noting Bread of Life on the memo line of your check. If you are interested in joining us, please reach out to the church office or one of the deacons.
Missionary Circle News
We support the Meatloaf Gang’s Shelter Dinner. In order to raise funds, we are hosting a “No-Bake Bake Sale.” This way no one has to bake or eat cookies they don’t want. If you would like to support the Shelter Dinners, there are envelopes in the back of the church labeled “MC No Bake Sale.” Thanks for your support.
Women’s Guild News
We meet on the first Thursday of every month, at 10:00am in the church kitchen. All are welcome!
We are also running a food drive for the Montville Kiwanis Food Pantry through April 7th. The most-needed items are hot and cold cereal, shelf stable milk, pasta and pasta sauce, canned goods (fruits, soups, vegetables, beans), peanut butter and jellies, 100% fruit juice, healthy snacks, coffee, tea, oil and condiments. Please bring your items to the back of the church where baskets are available. Thank you.
Donate Your Unwanted Clothing
Take advantage of the clothing bin located in the bottom parking lot. Clothing goes to the Market Street Mission and will be distributed locally. Congregation members, family and friends and neighbors are encouraged to fill them. Please donate unwanted clothing (no toys, please) in the bins as you clean your closets. “Goods of Kind” donation receipts are available at the church office.
Information Table
Three current issues are available:
• NURTURE for families of all shapes and sizes.
• WORDS OF HOPE for daily reflections
• THE UPPER ROOM, a daily devotional guide
Our Ministry Team
Elders: Kathy Hardin, Bob Hedges, Mel Streeter, Faith Touw, John Vanderzee
Deacons: Barbara Banta, Michelle Conover (chair), Nancy Dyak, Kathy Langen, Suzanne Meth
• Minister of Word & Sacrament, President of Consistory: Rev. Tom Henion Jr.
• Vice President, Consistory:
• Clerk, Consistory: Suzanne Meth
• Church Administrator: Alice Vander Plaat
• Treasurer: Tony Arabia
• Music Director: Alice Vander Plaat
• Cemetery Association: Al Van Riper, president; Bob Hedges, treasurer
• Women’s Guild: Nancy Dyak, Judy Slegona
• Missionary Circle: Ginny Cook and Ella Niles
• Elder Delegate to Classis: Christine Roosma
• Worship Committee: The Elders
Consistory meets the second Thursday of the month.
Elders meet quarterly (date/time to be announced).